- 2025-26 Budget Consultation
- Acupuncture, Tattooing, Ear Piercing, Electrolysis and Semi-Permanent Skin Colouring Registration
- Anti-social behaviour first point of contact
- Application for a Private Hire Operator's Licence
- Application for a street party
- Application for Business parking permit
- Application form for a Private Hire or Hackney Carriage Driver's Licence
- Apply for a market stall
- Backdating Council Tax Support and Housing Benefit
- Bins
- Building Control Full Plans Application
- Building Control Payments
- CCTV request form
- Climate Action Fund
- Communicable Diseases
- Community Trigger
- Complaints
- Compliments
- Copy of immigration inspection letter
- Demolition Notice Form
- Disregarded Person Discount
- DIY Waste Collections
- Dog Issues
- Domestic bulky waste collection
- Fixed Penalty Notice Payments
- Food Hygiene Re-rating
- Freedom of Information Request
- Graffiti reporting
- Grave Purchase Enquiry
- Grave search request
- Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Vehicle Application
- Immigration Inspection
- Include New Property in a Collection Round
- Invite the Mayor to attend an event
- Join the grazing land waiting list
- Lancashire affordable warmth funding
- Licensing Payments form
- Lost, stolen, damaged or unreceived garden waste sticker
- Make a Knowledge Test Payment
- Make a payment
- Make an Enquiry or Report a Problem With a Clinical Waste Collection
- Missed bin collection
- Pendle Developer Register Enquiry Form
- Pest Control
- Properties in disrepair
- Properties open to access
- Report a dirty back yard
- Report a drainage problem
- Report a missed trade waste collection
- Report a problem in a park or play area