Open data

Senior salaries

Transparency Code Metadata (Senior Salaries)

Dataset Name/Title

Senior Salaries

Organisation Code

Why we publish this type of data/information

As part of our commitment to increase openness and transparency we publish details of the salaries of our staff which exceed £50,000 per annum. 

The Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2011 (Statutory Instrument 2011/817) (A&A regs) soon to be replaced by the Local Accountability and Audit Act 2014 require local authorities to publish the following information:

  • the number of employees whose remuneration in that year was at least £50,000 in brackets of £5,000
  • details of remuneration and job title of certain senior employees whose salary is at least £50,000, and
  • employees whose salaries are £150,000 or more must be identified by name.

The Transparency Code additionally requires councils to publish:

  • a list of responsibilities of all employees whose annual salary was at least £50,000
  • details of bonuses and 'benefits-in-kind' of all senior employees whose annual salary was at least £50,000.

Other related information

Senior employees are described in the Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2011 (A&A regs) as an employee whose salary is £150,000 or more per year, or an employee whose salary is £50,000 or more per year (to be calculated pro rata for an employee employed for fewer than the usual full time hours for the relevant body concerned) and who is either

  • a head of service or chief officer,
  • head of staff or
  • a person who has responsibility for the management of the relevant body to the extent that the person has power to direct or control the major activities of the body (in particular activities involving the expenditure of money).

Therefore, an employee who meets the above criteria, but does not receive a salary exceeding £50,000 is excluded from the publication.  Further details about the definition of senior employees are available under the A&A regs, Part 3, section 4.

Salary is taken to mean basic salary, whereas remuneration is inclusive of allowances and other benefits in kind.

We also publish our Annual Statement of Accounts and Pay Policy Statement which contains data / information relevant to senior staff salaries and count.  

What information is included in this data?

This data contains:

  • the number of employees whose remuneration in that year was at least £50,000 in brackets of £5,000
  • details of remuneration and job title of certain senior employees whose salary is at least £50,000, and
  • a list of responsibilities of all employees whose annual salary was at least £50,000
  • details of bonuses and 'benefits-in-kind' of all senior employees whose annual salary was at least £50,000.

What information is not included in this data?

This data does not contain details of named employees whose salaries are £150,000 or more.  This is because we do not have any staff members who are paid at this level.


This data is provided under the terms of the Open Government Licence

How often do we publish this data?

Annually - We aim to provide this data within a month from the start of the new financial year.  

What data systems do we use?

The data system used to provide this information is the Frontier Software chris21 payroll system.

The Pay and Grading Structure is on Page 10 of the Pay Policy Statement and was implemented as a result of a Job Evaluation exercise.

What does each column mean?

The senior salaries and employee count data contains fields for:

A. Organisation name – 'Pendle Borough Council'. Placing this on each row allows the data to be mixed with data from other councils.

B. Organisation Code – this is a URI that identifies the council.  This will become useful as we move towards the Semantic Web.

C. Effective date – this is the end date of the accounting period for the data.  E.g. for the reporting period December, the effective date would be 31/12/2014.  This enables users of the data to identify for which period the data apply.

D. Job title – this is provided to identify the post that the individual holds.

E. Directorate – this details which service grouping the second level post holders belong to.

F. Salary amount – this is the total amount paid to the employee in salary, fees, or allowances for the current period, as per the Statement of Accounts.

G. Remuneration band – this provides the senior employee’s salary in £5,000 brackets, starting at £50,000.

H. Employees count – this is the number of employees whose remuneration falls within the remuneration band as detailed above.

I. Employers pension contribution – this is the amount the employer contributes annually to the employees’ pension for the current period, as per the Statement of Accounts

J. Bonus Value – this is the value of the individual’s bonus for the current period, as per the Statement of Accounts.

K. Expense allowances value – this is the total value of expenses subject to income tax to which the employee is entitled, as per the Statement of Accounts.

L. Loss of office compensation – this is any payment made to or receivable by the person in connection with the termination of their employment by the relevant body, as per the Statement of Accounts.

M. Benefits in kind value – this is the total value of benefits in kind to which the individual is entitled, as per the Statement of Accounts.

N. Bonus details – this is a list of the bonuses that a senior employee received.

O. Benefit details - this is a list of the benefits that a senior employee received.

P. Responsibilities – this is a description of the responsibilities of individual senior staff members.

Q. Budget – this is the total aggregated budget the employee is responsible for, including delegated budgets.

R. Employee Count – the number of staff the employee is responsible for.

Future plans for this data

Not applicable

What data have we removed?

Not applicable

What formats is the data available in?

  • .pdf – which can be used as an easy to read document
  • .csv – which can be used with most spreadsheet style programmes (if using template)

Open Standards Level of this data

Open data star rating

How to ask for more information

If you would like any further information relating to our organisation information, please contact us providing as much information as possible.

Contact Details

Jane McDonnell