Open data
Land and buildings asset data
Transparency Code Metadata
Dataset Name/Title
Organisation Code
Why we publish this type of data/information
As part of Pendle Borough Council's ongoing commitment to increase openness and transparency we are publishing details of items on our Asset Register.
Increasing access to information on public sector assets in England is setting new standards of transparency and enables increased decentralisation, efficiency and productivity. The opening up of local authority land provides citizens and voluntary and community bodies with information to:
- enable citizens to see public sector assets and their use for delivering services to local communities and how this compares with neighbouring areas
- nominate, where appropriate, particular buildings as assets of community value under the community Right to Bid provisions in the Localism Act 2011
- help them to find out about empty land and property that they can potentially develop to improve their local area to support the new community right to reclaim land, known as the Right to Contest
- challenge a local authority service and seek to run it
- it will also be helpful to those working in the wider public sector looking to deliver a service as a mutual under the Right to Provide policy being developed by Cabinet Office.
The publication of the location and basic attribute data of public sector land and building assets will support the efficiency and productivity within authorities by:
- enabling public sector partners to work together strategically to consider public sector assets in their area and to co-design front and back office services around the needs of the citizen
- enabling strategic procurement
- enabling the consideration of energy efficiency as a key aspect of asset management
- helping to inform the public about other land owned by public organisations when taking enquiries about green space maintenance, public access or other queries
Other related information
What information is included in this data?
Data published is the data held by the Borough of Pendle, (the Council) and no warranty is given that the dataset published is complete. The Council is working towards full publication in accordance with the code and further updated lists will be published.
For the purpose of data publication land and building assets include:
- all service and office properties occupied or controlled by local authorities, both freehold and leasehold
- any properties occupied or run under Private Finance Initiative (PFI) contracts
- all other properties local authorities own or use, for example, hostels, laboratories, investment properties and depots
- garages unless rented as part of a housing tenancy agreement
- surplus, sublet or vacant properties owned by local authorities
- undeveloped land
- serviced or temporary offices where contractual or actual occupation exceeds 3 months
- all future authority commitments, for example under an agreement for lease, from when a contractual commitment is made
Properties will also be included even if they are part of a larger estate (for instance, a school caretaker's property on the site of a school, or a residential property on the site of a farm).
Any land or building where the council has currently a property interest will be included. This could include, for example, playing fields.
What information is not included in this data?
The types of land and building assets not included are:
- social housing
- rent free properties provided by traders (such as information booths in public places or ports)
- operational railways and canals
- operational public highways (but any adjoining land not subject to public rights should be included)
- assets of national security
- information deemed inappropriate for public access as a result of data protection and/or disclosure controls (eg. such as refuge houses)
This data is provided under the terms of the Open Government Licence.
How often do we publish this data?
Annually - We aim to provide this data within a month following publication of the Council’s audited accounts (Publication of audited accounts is due by 30th September).
For example, we will aim to publish our asset register relating to the period 1st April to 31st March by 31st October.
What data systems do we use?
The Asset data is stored and extracted from the Council's asset management database system, Technology Forge.
What does each column mean?
The Council is working towards full publication in accordance with the Local Government Transparency Code and further updated lists will be published.
The data contains fields / will be extended in the future to include fields for:
A. Organisation name – 'Pendle Borough Council'. Placing this on each row allows the data to be mixed with data from other councils.
B. Organisation Code – this is a URI that identifies the council. This will become useful as we move towards the Semantic Web.
C. Effective date – this is the end date of the accounting period for the data. E.g. for the reporting period 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016 the effective date would be 31/03/2016. This enables users of the data to identify for which period the data apply.
D. Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) – this is a unique code describing the property. This is created by the local authority in the land and property gazetteer and held in the Address Gazetteer held by Ordnance Survey. (To be provided in future versions).
E. Unique asset identity – this is a local reference identifier used by the local body and includes the original reference number from the data source.
F. Name of the building/land or both including street number – this is the common title or name used for the asset. This can also be a description, such as ‘land to the rear of….’
G. Street Name – this is the postal road address / address.
H. Locality - this is the town/village address.
I. Town – this is the postal town address.
J. UK Postcode – In cases where land does not have a postal address this will be left blank.
K. Coordinate Reference System - Ordnance Survey co-ordinates used
L. Easting – this allows the asset to be plotted and displayed on a map. This will not be provided for vacant land and property.
M. Northing – this allows the asset to be plotted and displayed on a map. This will not be provided for vacant land and property.
N. Tenure type – this specifies if we own the freehold or leasehold of the asset.
O. Tenure detail – this is a predefined list of tenure arrangements, such as owner occupied, vacant, other, etc.
P. Holding type – this is a predefined list which identifies if the asset is land, or land with a building(s).
Q. Size building – this is the Gross Internal Area (m2) for our buildings, in accordance with the RICS Property Measurement 2nd Edition.
R. Size land – this is the measurement of our land asset in hectares, in accordance with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Code of Measuring Practice.
S. Services function label – this gives the details of the services offered from the asset, in accordance with the Effective Services Delivery government function list. (Listed where applicable.)
T. Service function code – this is the same as the above but in the form of a code.
U. Purpose – this is a predetermined list of reasons why we hold the asset, such as 'occupied by the local authority', 'awaiting development', etc. (Listed where applicable.)
V. Total building operation (revenue) costs – this is the operational costs of holding / using the building. (Listed where available.)
W. Required maintenance – this is the cost of bringing the asset up to a fit for purpose condition. (Not currently listed.)
X. Functional suitability rating – this is a predetermined measure of the fitness for purpose of the asset to deliver its function, e.g. accessibility, layout, etc. (Not currently listed.)
Y. Energy performance rating – as per the Energy Performance of Buildings (England and Wales) Regulations 2012
Z. Land registry title number – this number enables linking to further ownership information.
Future plans for this data
The Council is working to provide additional data.
What data have we removed?
No rows of data have been removed other than where there is an exclusion from the requirement to publish as stated above. However, there are occasions when we must remove some data relating to vacant buildings and land.
What formats is the data available in?
- .csv – which can be used with most spreadsheet style programmes
- .pdf – which can be used as an easy to read document
- Digital mapping tool when created needs to be open data format
Open Standards Level of this data
How to ask for more information
If you have any queries with any of the data provided, please contact us providing as much information as possible, e.g. Unique asset identity, name of asset, basis of query, etc.
Contact Details