Open data

Trade Union time

Transparency Code Metadata for Trade Union Facility Time

Trade Union Facility Time

Organisation Code

Why we publish this type of data/information

As part of Pendle Borough Council’s commitment to increase openness and transparency we publish details of the staff resources (in the form of union representatives) and spend related to Trade Union duties.

Other related information

Trade Union Facility Time is paid time off for union representatives (reps) to carry out trade union duties.

A union rep is an employee who has been elected or appointed in accordance with the rules of the independent trade union to be a representative of all or some of the union’s members in the workplace, or agreed group of workplaces where the union is recognised for collective bargaining purposes.

What information is included in this data?

This data contains details of:

  • total number (absolute and full-time equivalent) of staff who are union reps (including general, learning and health and safety reps)
  • names of all trades unions represented in the local authority
  • basic estimate of spending on unions (calculated as the number of full time equivalent days spent on union duties multiplied by the average salary), and
  • basic estimate of spending on unions as a percentage of the total pay bill (calculated as the number of full-time equivalent days spent on union duties multiplied by the average salary divided by the total pay bill)

What information is not included in this data?

We do not have any union reps that devote at least 50% of their time to union duties; therefore, this is not included in this data, i.e. appears as a 'zero' in the dataset.

We also do not currently record the time spent on trade union duties. 


This data is provided under the terms of the Open Government Licence.

How often do we publish this data?

Annually - We aim to provide this data within a month from the start of the new financial year (democratic processes permitting).

What data systems do we use?

Not Applicable - this dataset is generated on a manual basis.

What does each column mean?

The data contains fields for:

A. Organisation name – 'Pendle Borough Council'.  Placing this on each row allows the data to be mixed with data from other Councils.

B. Organisation Code – this is a URI that identifies the council.  This will become useful as we move towards the Semantic Web.

C. Effective date – this is the end date of the accounting period for the data.  E.g. for the reporting period December, the effective date would be 31/12/2014.  This enables users of the data to identify for which period the data apply.

D. Union – this is the name of the union represented in the local authority.

E. Total representative count – this is the total number of staff who are union reps, including general, learning and health & safety reps.

F. FTE (full time equivalent) representatives count – this is the total number (FTE) of staff who are union reps, including general, learning and health & safety reps.

G. Total representatives majority duty count – this is the total number of union reps who devote at least 50% of their time to union duties.

H. FTE representatives majority duty count – as above but FTE.

I. Total estimate spending amount – a basic estimate of spend on unions calculated as the number of FTE days spent on union duties multiplied by the average salary.

J. Relative spending estimate – a basic estimate of spending as a % of the total pay bill calculated as the total estimate spending divided by the total pay bill multiplied by 100.

Future plans for this data

There are plans to establish systems to more accurately record trade union facility time.

What data have we removed?

Not applicable.

What formats is the data available in?

  • .pdf – which can be used as an easy to read document
  • .csv – which can be used with most spreadsheet style programmes (if using template)
  • .xls – this an Excel spreadsheet which is part of the Microsoft Office suite

Open Standards Level of this data

Open data star rating

How to ask for more information

If you would like any further information relating to our organisation and / or Trade Union facility time, please contact us providing as much information as possible.

Contact Details

Jane McDonnell: