Personal and Premises licence
Premises licence
You need a Premises Licence to:
- sell or supply alcohol
- provide hot drinks or hot food between 11.00 pm and 5.00 am
- provide regulated entertainment
Premises Licences are issued in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003.
What is regulated entertainment?
Entertainment provided in the presence of an audience, for example:
- the performance of a play
- the showing of a film
- an indoor sporting event
- boxing or wrestling
- performance of live music
- any playing of recorded music
- a performance of dance
- entertainment of a similar description (such as a circus)
The sale or supply of alcohol must be carried out, or authorised by, a person who holds a Personal Licence.
If alcohol is to be sold or supplied at the premises, the Premises Licence must include the name of the designated premises supervisor, who must hold a Personal Licence.
The applicant for a Premises Licence must send the application form and fee to us, and send copies of the application form to the responsible authorities (the police, fire authority and certain council services).
You must include a plan of the premises and an operating schedule describing the proposed activities. You must advertise the application in the local press and on notices displayed at the premises for a period of 28 days.
Premises licences last indefinitely and do not need to be renewed, but can lapse in certain situations such as:
- the death or dissolution of the licence holder
- bankruptcy
- incapacity
- losing the right to work in the UK
. There is however an annual fee. Similar provisions apply for clubs.
Appealing against a licence
You can appeal against a licence refusal or any conditions to which a licence is subject through a Magistrates' Court.