Evidence base documents

Infrastructure strategy

The Pendle Infrastructure Strategy assesses the quality and capacity of existing infrastructure provision and takes account of the need for new strategic infrastructure. The information within this strategy has been identified through consultation with key infrastructure providers.

This report is an important part of the Local Plan evidence base and will be updated regularly as the part of the Local Plan preparation process and also as and when further requirements are identified.

The Infrastructure Delivery Schedule which forms part of the report is updated on an annual basis and reported in the Local Authority's Monitoring Report. 

What's happening next?

The Pendle Infrastructure Strategy 2013 was approved at the meeting of the Full Council on Thursday 25th September 2014.

This document has been used to help inform the preparation of the policies in the Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy. It can be viewed in the Documents to download section below.

What have we done so far?

Work has been carried out over the last few years to gather information and make links with the different infrastructure providers.

In 2008, infrastructure providers were invited to take part in a series of meetings, or telephone conversations, to help determine existing infrastructure requirements.

In 2010 a second series of workshops were held, drawing individual contacts together into broad interest groups. The participants were presented with information on population projections, proposed strategic areas of growth including housing numbers etc. to find out whether there were any barriers to the Council's proposed strategy.

The report has recently been updated to form part of the evidence base for the Core Strategy Further Options Report. This has included information from one to one meetings held with key infrastructure providers, namely United Utilities, Lancashire County Council Education Services and NHS Property Services with information pertinent to the allocation of strategic development sites.

Documents to download

Pendle Infrastructure Strategy 2013/14

For archived versions of the Pendle Infrastructure Strategy/Study please contact the Planning Policy Team.