Evidence base documents
Strategic flood risk assessment
Parts of Pendle have a long history of flooding. It is important to understand flood risk and its implications for future development.
The Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) is a key part of the evidence base for the Local Plan. It looks at flood risk from all sources, and takes into account the potential impacts of climate change. The findings of the assessment influence the location of new development in Pendle.
Our first SFRA was prepared in November 2006. This was updated in December 2021.
The SFRA takes a risk-based approach to assessing development and flood risk. It uses the Environment Agency Flood Zones, which show areas at risk of flooding from rivers when the presence of flood defences are ignored. It also looks at the potential for surface water flooding.
The new SFRA conforms to the latest government guidance and is in two parts:
Level 1 SFRA
This document provides an overview of all sources of flood risk in the borough. It forms the basis for guiding development to the areas with the lowest risk of flooding.
You can download the following documents:
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 1
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Appendix A - outlines the planning framework and flood risk policy
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Appendix B - interactive maps from the Strategic Flood Rick Assessment, showing flood risk data. For the interactive maps to work properly, you need to download the file to your computer and then open it using Acrobat Reader DC. This is a free product. Download Adobe Acrobat reader (link opens in a new window).
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Appendix C - a spreadsheet showing the flood risk site assessments for sites in the Local Plan
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Appendix D - a document outlining how the functional floodplain is identified
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Appendix E - a strategic assessment of the suitability of the sites to be considered for allocation in the Pendle Local Plan Part 2, relative to flood risk
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Appendix F - maps showing the risk of flooding from rivers, and the risk of flooding from surface water
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Appendix G - specific guidance for the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment, this document is used by all involved in the development planning process
The flood zones on the Flood Map for Planning were updated in February 2024. Up to date information on flood risk from all sources (river, surface water, groundwater) can be found on Lancashire County Council’s Maps and Related information Online (MARIO) mapping portal.
Level 2 SFRA
A Level 2 SFRA looks in detail at any potential site allocations located in areas where there is a degree of flood risk. The assessment looks at whether these sites can be developed safely and sustainably for the proposed use. It also considers whether the risk from flooding is acceptably safe throughout its lifetime.
The Pendle Level 2 SFRA was prepared by JBA Consulting and published in September 2024.
- Level 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Main Report
- Level 2 SFRA Appendix A Site P013
- Level 2 SFRA Appendix A Site P014
- Level 2 SFRA Appendix A Site P052
- Level 2 SFRA Appendix A Site P060
- Level 2 SFRA Appendix A Site P068
- Level 2 SFRA Appendix A Site P081
- Level 2 SFRA Appendix A Site P257
- Level 2 SFRA Appendix A Site P309
- Level 2 SFRA Appendix B
- Sequential and Exceptions Test