Personal and Premises licence

Removal of the requirement for a designated premises supervisor and personal licence at community premises

Community premises which meet the relevant criteria can apply for a mandatory condition in the Licensing Act that the sale of alcohol is instead authorised by the holder of the Premises Licence.

Community premises are usually:

  • Premises that are or form part of a church hall, chapel hall or other similar building
  • Premises that are or form part of a village hall, parish hall or community hall or other similar building

In most cases it will be obvious which of the two categories the premises falls in to. If not, we will judge each case individually.

The application can only be made where the holder of the Premises Licence is a committee or board of individuals responsible for the management of the premises, e.g. a management committee. If successful, then the holder of the Premises Licence will be responsible for the authorisation and supervision of all sales of alcohol made under the Licence.

If the application is made at the same time as the initial application for the grant of a Premises Licence, the only fee payable is the application fee for the Premises Licence. 

If the community premises already have a Premises Licence but the sale of alcohol is not included as a licensable activity, they will have to apply for a variation of the Premises Licence to include the sale of alcohol.  An application for the alternative mandatory condition can also be made at the same time as the variation application.  The only fee payable would be the fee for the variation of the Licence.

If the community premises already have the benefit of a Premises Licence which permits the sale of alcohol under the authority of a Designated Premises Supervisor but wishes to apply for the alternative mandatory condition, the application form should be completed and submitted with the appropriate fee of £23.00. 

How to pay?

Further guidance from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.