Agendas, reports and minutes
Date: Thursday, 18th February 2016
- Thursday 18th February, 2016 Agendas, 100.58 KB
- Thursday 18th February, 2016 Minutes, 234.85 KB
- Appendix 1 Labour/Lib Dem Groups Budget Proposals 2016/17 Minutes, 165.63 KB
- Appendix 2 Council Tax Resolution 2016/17 Minutes, 157.66 KB
- Appendix 3 Conservative Group's Budget Proposals 2016/17 Minutes, 171.59 KB
- Item 5 Robustness of Estimates and Adequacy of Financial Reserves Reports, 182 KB
- Item 5 Appendix Reports, 315.93 KB
- Item 6 Capital Programme 2016-2019 Reports, 278.01 KB
- Item 6 Appendix A 2015-16 Outturn Reports, 118.79 KB
- Item 6 Appendix B Proposed Capital Programme 2016-17 Reports, 103.33 KB
- Item 6 Appendix C Prudential Indicators 2016-17 Reports, 93.33 KB
- Item 7 General Fund Revenue Budget and Setting of the Council Tax 2016/17 Reports, 450.1 KB
- Item 7 Appendix A General Fund Minimum Work Balance 2016/17 Reports, 144.51 KB
- Item 7 Appendix B Response to the 2016/17 LGFS Consultation Reports, 280.96 KB
- Item 7 Appendix C Firming Up Adjustments Reports, 12.83 KB
- Item 7 Appendix D(i) Savings Proposals 2016-19 Reports, 43.8 KB
- Item 7 Appendix (Dii) PLT Savings Proposals 2016-17 Reports, 45.95 KB
- Item 7 Appendix E Savings Pro-Formas Reports, 627.23 KB
- Item 7 Appendix F Council Tax Exemptions Reports, 33.56 KB
- Item 7 Appendix G Reserves and Balances Reports, 143.83 KB
- Item 7 Appendix H Management Team Budget Proposals - Council Reports, 27.21 KB
- Item 7 Appendix H Management Team Budget Proposals - PLT Reports, 73.44 KB
- Item 7 Appendix I Area Committee Resolutions General Fund Revenue Budget Reports, 134.76 KB
- Item 7 Appendix J Town and Parish Council Precepts Reports, 23.48 KB
- Item 8 Safeguarding Adults Policy Reports, 101.94 KB
- Item 8 Appendix 1 Reporting Domestic Abuse Reports, 211.66 KB
- Item 8 Appendix 2 The Policy Reports, 563.66 KB
- Item 9 Housing Renewal Policy Reports, 510.27 KB
- Item 10 The Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (England) Regulations 2015 Reports, 160.37 KB