Local Plan (Fourth Edition)

Pendle Local Plan Fourth Edition Preferred Options Consultation

What’s happening?

The Council's Executive on Thursday 25 May 2023, approved the first draft of a new Local Plan for public consultation.

The consultation is now closed. It started at 9am on Friday 23 June and closed at 5pm on Friday 18 August 2023.

You can download a short presentation about the consultation or watch this short video


Where can I see the consultation documents?

View all the Pendle Local Plan Fourth Edition Consultation documents 

Policies Map

The Policies Map shows those areas of Pendle where different planning policies apply. This section shows you where significant changes are proposed:

Policy SPO2 Spatial Strategy

We propose to make changes in the area between Nelson and Barrowford:

  1. Bring Barrowford within the joint settlement boundary for all towns in the M65 Corridor.
  2. Bring the strategic housing site at Trough Laithe, formerly in the open countryside, within the settlement boundary.
  3. Keep land west of Trough Laithe in the open countryside.
  4. Remove the houses to the east of Carr Hall Road and south of Wheatley Lane Road from within the settlement boundary and place them in the open countryside.

Policy DM12 Local Green Space

37 Local Green Space sites have been identified in the neighbourhood plans for Trawden ForestBarrowfordKelbrook and Sough and Colne.

As part of this public consultation, we asked for further site nominations from parish and town councils in Pendle.

We received 52 extra sites. In Autumn 2023 a four-week public consultation will ask you to comment on our assessment of these sites and whether they should be a Local Green Space in the Pendle Local Plan.

Policy DM42 Vibrant town centres

Changes to the town centre boundaries in Nelson and Earby are proposed.

The town centre boundary for Colne reflects that in the Colne Neighbourhood Plan (not yet adopted).

The proposed change to the Local Shopping Centre boundary in Brierfield has been withdrawn.

Primary shopping areas show where shops are concentrated within a town centre. They have been defined for each of our three town centres:

Policy AL01 Housing site allocations

You can view the proposed site allocations and those not taken forward on our interactive map.

Consultation Events

We organised 18 in-person and online events so anyone interested in the Local Plan could find out more.

If you were unable to attend, you can download a copy of the exhibition boards.

How can I comment?

The consultation has now closed.

What happens next?

You can keep up to date about what is happening on social media the Local Plan by following Pendle Council on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Our Framework newsletter provides regular updates on progress with the Local Plan, and other planning policy news. To receive a copy and please send your contact details to planningpolicy@pendle.gov.uk

We will publish a Consultation Statement at a later date. This will summarise all the comments we have received and identify any changes we have made to the Local Plan to address this feedback.

The Local Development Scheme (LDS) sets out the timetable for the plan-making process. We hope to:

  • Feedback on our assessment of all nominated sites and those shortlisted as a Local Green Space (Autumn 2023)
  • Consult on a revised final draft of the Local Plan (Spring 2024).
  • Submit the Local Plan to the Secretary of State for independent examination (Summer 2024).
  • Adopt the Pendle Local Plan 4th Edition (Autumn/Winter 2024).