Local Plan (Fourth Edition)
Publication Consultation - Local Plan (Publication Draft)
The publication draft of our new Local Plan was approved for public consultation.
This public consultation took place between Friday 25 October and Friday 6 December 2024 and has now closed.
Details of the consultation: Pendle Local Plan Fourth Edition Publication Consultation
What is the Local Plan?
The Government requires the Council to prepare a Local Plan to help guide development in the borough by:
- indicating the amount of development needed by 2040
- identifying the broad locations where development and growth will take place
- recognising locations that need to be protected from inappropriate forms of development.
- allocating specific sites for housing, employment and other land uses
- specifying the types of housing that are required to address local needs
- setting out detailed policies to address:
- climate resilience, flood risk and drainage
- ecology and biodiversity net gain
- landscape character and the historic environment
- green infrastructure and open space
- town centres and retailing
- industrial and commercial development
- householder development
- community facilities
- transport and connectivity
When adopted, the new Local Plan will replace planning policies in the Replacement Pendle Local Plan (2006), the Bradley Area Action Plan (2011) and the Pendle Core Strategy (2015). It will then provide the basis for deciding whether to approve or refuse applications for planning permission, together with any adopted Neighbourhood Plans for the area.
What have we done so far?
A new Local Development Scheme confirms the timetable for the preparation of the new Local Plan.
Scoping Consultation and Call for Sites
To consider why the Local Plan is needed and what issues it should address. Documents forming part of the public consultation were the:
- Local Plan Scoping Report
- Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report
- Statement of Community Involvement
Comments received in response to the consultation have helped us to prepare the first draft of the Local Plan.
The consultation also included a Call for Sites. This allowed members of the public, landowners, developers, or their agents to put suggest potential sites for future development.
The sites put forward have been assessed to confirm that they are deliverable – available, suitable, and achievable – before the end of the plan period in 2040.
The four-week consultation closed on Friday 5 August 2022.
Public Consultation - Preferred Options Report
The Council's Executive on Thursday 25 May 2023, approved the first draft of our new Local Plan for public consultation.
The public consultation ran for eight weeks from Friday 23 June to Friday 18 August 2023.
How can I find out more?
Our Framework newsletter provides regular updates on progress with the Local Plan, and other planning policy news.
To receive a copy and please send your contact details to planningpolicy@pendle.gov.uk