Development plan documents

Core strategy previous stages

There have been a number of stages in the preparation of the Pendle Core Strategy. These are outlined below:

You Choose

This campaign helped to identify those issues that were most important to the people of Pendle. These helped to inform both the Sustainable Community Strategy and the Core Strategy.

Documents to download: 

You Choose Leaflet

Issues and Options

The issues highlighted in the You Choose campaign, provided the basis for a range of strategic objectives, spatial strategies and planning policies that could be used to guide future development in the Borough.

Documents to download:

Issues and Options Consultation / Site Search Information Leaflet

Core Strategy Issues and Options Report

Sustainability Appraisal Report

Sustainability Appraisal - Appendix A

Sustainability Appraisal - Summary Matrix

Appropriate Assessment

Consultation Statement

Preferred Options

Taking account of the views expressed at the Issues and Options stage, this document set out the Council's chosen strategy for addressing those matters where planning can have a real influence on the future of the Borough.

Documents to download: 

Core Strategy Preferred Options Report

Sustainability Appraisal

Sustainability Appraisal Non-Technical Summary

Sustainability Appraisal Summary Matrix

Habitat Regulation Assessment Screening Report

Consultation Statement

Issues and Options Consultation Summary of Responses


Rather than the content of the Core Strategy, it was the overall 'soundness' of the document (see Framework Issue 23) that was considered at this stage. Pendle Council has now returned to the options stage (Regulation 18) and published the Core Strategy (Further Options Report) for public consultation.

Documents to download:

Core Strategy Publication Report

Consultation Statement

Sustainability Appraisal (This is the SA from the Preferred Options Report. The addendum below updates the SA to take account of the changes made in the Publication Report).

Sustainability Regulation 19 Addendum

Sustainability Appraisal Non-Technical Summary

Sustainability Appraisal Summary Matrix

Habitat Regulation Assessment Screening Report

Equality Impact Assessment

Further Options 

This stage represented a step back in the preparation of the Core Strategy. This was considered necessary to address concerns about the currency of the evidence underpinning the housing policies in the Publication Report. Updating key parts of the evidence base resulted in changes to the housing and employment land requirements and the inclusion of two strategic sites.

Documents to download:

Core Strategy Further Options Report

Summary of the Core Strategy

Representation (comments) form (pdf)

Representation (comments) form (MS Word)

Availability of documents

Sustainability Appraisal (Preferred Options Report) (This is the SA from the Preferred Options Report. The addendum below updates the SA to take account of the changes made in the Further Options Report).

Sustainability Appraisal (Addendum Report)

Sustainability Appraisal (Non-technical Summary)

Habitats Regulation Assessment

Equalities Impact Assessment

Framework Newsletter Consultation Edition (number 27) is available on request


The Pre-Submission consultation allowed members of the public and interested parties to comment on the overall 'soundness' of the plan. Following this consultation the Council submitted the plan and all the consultation representations to the Secretary of State. The Planning Inspectorate will now examine the Core Strategy to determine whether it is Legally Compliant and Sound.   

Documents to download:

Core Strategy Pre-Submission Report

Representation (comments) Form (pdf)

Representation (comments) Form (MS Word)

Representation Form Guidance Notes

Consultation Statement

Sustainability Appraisal

Sustainability Appraisal (Non-technical Summary)

Habitat Regulations Assessment

Equalities Impact Assessment

Core Strategy Strategic Housing Site Allocation Report

Core Strategy Strategic Employment Site Allocation Report Part 1

Core Strategy Strategic Employment Site Allocation Report Part 2

Statement of Compliance with the Duty to Cooperate

Framework Newsletter Consultation Edition


Following the close of the Core Strategy Pre-Submission Consultation and in accordance with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (Section 20(3)) and the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (Regulation 22 Part 3 (b) and (c)) Pendle Council submitted the Core Strategy to the Secretary of State for independent examination on Friday 19th December 2014.

The Notice of Submission provides details of the documents that have been submitted and where and when these can be accessed.

Documents to Download

Core Strategy Pre-Submission Report

Consultation Statement (Pre-Submission) (Regulation 22)

Sustainability Appraisal

Sustainability Appraisal (Non-technical Summary)

Habitat Regulations Assessment

Equalities Impact Assessment

Statement of Compliance with the Duty to Cooperate

Summary of Representations


The purpose of the Examination was to determine whether the Core Strategy is Legally Compliant and Sound. The Secretary of State appointed Mr Mark Dakeyne BA (Hons) MRTPI as the Inspector to carry out the examination of the Pendle Core Strategy.

List of Representations

The List of Representations to the Pre-Submission Core Strategy shows the reference number, the representor and the chapter/policy to which the comment is made against. The full representations are available to view in the Consultation Statement.

Document Library

The Core Document List (updated 07/04/2015) contains those documents that have been used in the preparation of the Core Strategy. 

The Examination Document List (updated 19/10/2015) includes correspondence and any reports prepared during the examination period.

Hearing Sessions

The Inspector held a series of hearings as part of the Examination and these ran for 4 days (14th-16th April 2015 and 28th April 2015) at Nelson Town Hall and the Ace Centre, Nelson. The notification of the hearing sessions can be found as document C/007 and the hearing session agendas as documents I/013.1-I/013.13 in the Examination Document List.



Pendle Borough Council has determined that, in accordance with the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004, the Core Strategy DPD is likely to have significant environmental effects and that a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is required. View the Core Strategy Screening Statement and Determination in the downloads section below.

The scoping report is the first stage of the SEA/SA process. It outlines Entec's proposed methodology for undertaking the sustainability appraisal and it sets out the baseline social, economic and environmental issues that Pendle faces as well as identifying those that are considered to be most significant. The baseline can then provide the basis for prediction and monitoring of significant environmental or other sustainability effects that may derive from the implementation of the Local Development Framework.

A five week consultation period was run between Monday 30th October and Monday 4th December 2006. The report was also sent to the Environment Agency, English Heritage and Natural England in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004.

The final version of the scoping report comprises the submitted scoping report and consultation responses on the submitted report.

Documents to download:  

Core Strategy Screening Statement and Determination

Submitted scoping report

Consultation responses on the submitted scoping report