Development plan documents
Local plan part 1: core strategy
Core Strategy Review
We have reviewed the planning policies in the adopted Core Strategy to check that they conform to the National Planning Policy Framework (February 2019).
Read the results of the Core Strategy review.
Introduction to the Core Strategy
The Pendle Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy was formally adopted at a meeting of the Full Council on Thursday 17th December 2015.
The Core Strategy now forms part of the Statutory Development Plan for Pendle and will be used in the determination of planning applications with immediate effect.
You can view a copy of the adopted Core Strategy in the Documents to download section below.
Reference copies of the Core Strategy are available to view at Council Shops/Offices and Public Libraries across the borough.
What is the Core Strategy?
The Core Strategy is the key Development Plan Document (DPD) that will form part of the new Local Plan for Pendle.
It sets out the strategic planning policies the Council will use to help guide development to the most sustainable places over the 15 year period between 2015 and 2030. Specifically it establishes:
a settlement hierarchy and show how new development should be distributed across Pendle.
how many new homes should be built in different parts of Pendle.
how much employment land should be developed.
a broad framework for the protection and enhancement of our natural and historic environments.
To find out more about how DPDs are prepared go to the What is a DPD? page. For more information on the preparation of the Core Strategy go to the Core Strategy Previous Stages page.
Documents to download
Pendle Local Plan Part 1: Core Strategy
Pendle Core Strategy Statement of Adoption
Pendle Core Strategy Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statement
Inspector's Report into the Examination of the Pendle Core Strategy