Agendas, reports and minutes
Date: Thursday, 23rd February 2017
- 23rd February 2017 Agendas, 113.51 KB
- Thursday 23rd February, 2017 Minutes, 279.14 KB
- Appendix 1(a) Agreed Revenue Budget 2017/18 Minutes, 137.01 KB
- Appendix 1(b) Leader's Budget Speech Minutes, 258.67 KB
- Appendix 2 Council Tax Resolution 2017/18 Minutes, 157.66 KB
- Appendix 3(a) Conservative's Proposed Budget Minutes, 15.91 KB
- Appendix 3(b) Narrative to the Conservative's Proposed Budget Minutes, 186.32 KB
- Item 5 - Robustness of Estimates and Adequacy of Financial Reserves Reports, 286.33 KB
- Item 5 - Appendix A Reports, 455.19 KB
- Item 6 - Capital Programme 2017-2020 Reports, 292.14 KB
- Item 6 - Appendix A Reports, 93.75 KB
- Item 6 - Appendix B Reports, 108.81 KB
- Item 6 - Appendix C Reports, 161.2 KB
- Item 7 - General Fund Revenue Budget and Setting of the Council Tax 2017/18 Reports, 577.06 KB
- Item 7 - Appendix A Reports, 215.98 KB
- Item 7 - Appendix B Reports, 292.95 KB
- Item 7 - Appendix C Reports, 12.31 KB
- Item 7 - Appendix D Reports, 33.45 KB
- Item 7 - Appendix E Reports, 635.16 KB
- Item 7 - Appendix F Reports, 35.09 KB
- Item 7 - Appendix G Reports, 140.28 KB
- Item 7 - Appendix H Reports, 26.53 KB
- Item 7 - Appendix I Reports, 95.57 KB
- Item 7 - Appendix J Reports, 23.16 KB