Agendas, reports and minutes
Colne and District Committee
Date: Thursday, 3rd December 2020
- 03.12.2020 Agendas, 251.42 KB
- 03.12.2020 Minutes, 532.98 KB
- Item 3 Minutes of 05.11.2020 Reports, 580.72 KB
- Item 4 Progress Report Reports, 224.55 KB
- Item 6(a) Planning applications to be determined Reports, 675.91 KB
- Item 6(b) Planning appeals Reports, 81.33 KB
- Item 7 Enforcement Action Reports, 131.87 KB
- Item 8 Capital Programme 2020/21 Reports, 783.29 KB
- Item 9 Re-opening of Colne Town Centre Reports, 418.88 KB
- Item 9 Re-opening of Colne Town Centre - Update from Colne BID Reports, 497.83 KB
- Item 9 Re-opening of Colne Town Centre - Update from Colne BID - Appendix Reports, 528.98 KB