Kelbrook and Sough Neighbourhood Plan

Kelbrook and Sough Neighbourhood Plan Examination


On 18 February 2022, Kelbrook and Sough Parish Council formally submitted its Neighbourhood Plan to Pendle Council.

A public consultation, held between Friday 4 March and Monday 25 April 2022, gave residents, businesses and other interested parties the opportunity to comment on the final draft of the Kelbrook and Sough Neighbourhood Plan. 

The comments received in response to this public consultation will be considered by an independent examiner.

The Examination

Independent examiner Mr Andrew Ashcroft BA (Hons) MA, DMS, MRTPI has been appointed by Pendle Council to carry out the examination of the plan.

The Examination starts on Tuesday 26 April 2022.

The purpose of the examination is to test whether the draft neighbourhood plan, submitted for examination, meets the basic conditions, and other matters set out in paragraph 8 of Schedule 4B to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).

The independent examiner is not testing the soundness of a neighbourhood plan or examining other material considerations. 

There is more information on neighbourhood plans and the examination process on the GOV.UK website.

Examiner's Report

Once the examination of the plan is finished, the examiner will submit a report to us.

Programme Officer

You should not contact the examiner directly. All correspondence relating to the neighbourhood plan examination should be sent to our Programme Officer:

  • by emailing
  • by telephoning 01282 661708
  • by writing to Jill Bailey, Programme Officer, Kelbrook and Sough Neighbourhood Plan Examination, Town Hall, Market Street, Nelson, BB9 7LG

Examination Library

The Examination Library will be a list of documents submitted as part of, or produced during, the Examination.  

Examination Library Document List (last updated 10 May 2022)

List of Representations

List of Examination Documents