
I have just come out of prison or youth detention

You need to complete our Homelessness Enquiry Form.

We'll contact you as soon as possible after we receive it. Being 'at risk' of becoming homeless means that you are likely to become homeless within the next 56 days.

If you become homeless when our offices are not open, ring us on 01282 661999. We can help to get you emergency overnight accommodation.

Your housing options

If you are aged between 16 and 24, we will refer your case to the HAPI (Homelessness Awareness Prevention Interventions) scheme. They can:

  • answer questions about homelessness and housing issues
  • provide independent advice and guidance 
  • tell you about all the different options available to you
  • explain what you are entitled to and what your right are
  • provide support with housing and referrals to projects both in and out of Pendle
  • liaise with landlords either to help you get accommodation or to discuss issues you are having with a landlord 
  • provide unofficial mediation and support you to contact family or friends and build positive relationships
  • refer you to other agencies such as counselling, drug and alcohol
  • help you when applying for benefits and budgeting money
  • help you if you are worried about your own safety or the safety of others
  • give you support either over the telephone or face to face
  • provide support for as long as you need it (past your 18th birthday if needed)

Aged between 16 and 17

If you are aged between 16 and 17, you are not legally allowed to hold a tenancy in your own name. Most landlords of private rented accommodation will not allow you to rent one of their properties because of this. You can apply to the B-with-us choice-based lettings scheme, but in most cases you won't be able to bid for a property until you are 18. You would, however, be in a priority group for supported accommodation because of your age.

Aged between 18 - 21

If you're aged between 18 and 21 you have several options:

  • B-with-us choice-based lettings scheme
  • Supported accommodation
  • Private rented accommodation

Aged between 22 - 34

  • B-with-us choice-based lettings scheme
  • Supported accommodation for those aged 21 and over
  • Private rented accommodation

Aged between 35 - 54

  • B-with-us choice-based lettings scheme
  • Supported accommodation for those aged 21 and over
  • Private rented accommodation

Aged 55 and over

  • B-with-us choice-based lettings scheme, including sheltered (elderly supported) accommodation
  • Private landlords

If you become homeless

We will concentrate on trying to find you accommodation. If you are eligible for assistance and have a priority need, we will offer you temporary accommodation in the mean time. You will be considered in priority need if you are vulnerable as a result of having served a prison sentence. You will be assessed to see if you meet this criteria.

Other sources of information