Colne Neighbourhood Plan

What's happening?

On Friday 21 July 2023 the Colne Neighbourhood Plan became part of the Development Plan for Pendle. This was the day after the positive referendum result.

From this date, we will use the Colne Neighbourhood Plan when making decisions on planning applications in the area.

The plan was formally made (adopted) at a meeting of Pendle Council on 28 September 2023. 

View the Colne Neighbourhood Area Policies Map.

What has happened so far

On 7 October 2016, Colne Town Council wrote to Pendle Council, stating its intention to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan.

View the Colne Neighbourhood Area Proposal.

Between 14 October and 11 November 2016, a public consultation was held to give people a chance to consider and comment on the proposed boundary for the neighbourhood plan area.

On 17 November 2016, Pendle Council resolved that the area administered by the Town Council should be designated as a Neighbourhood Plan Area for the purposes of Neighbourhood Planning.

Colne Town Council carried out a number of informal consultation exercises to help formulate the Neighbourhood Plan for the parish.

On 26 October 2020, Colne Town Council issued its pre-submission draft Neighbourhood Plan for public consultation. This provided residents, businesses and other interested parties with an opportunity to comment on the plan proposals.

A further public consultation was carried out in early 2022 to consider a proposed town-wide Design Code.

On 8 August 2022, Colne Town Council formally submitted its Neighbourhood Plan to Pendle Council for independent examination.

Between Friday 2 September 2022 and Monday 17 October 2022, Pendle Council held a public consultation to provide residents, businesses and other interested parties with an opportunity to review and comment on the final version of the Colne Neighbourhood Plan and its supporting documents.  

Following the close of the consultation the Submission Plan, accompanying documents and all comments received were sent to the appointed examiner to conduct an independent examination of the Plan. Mr Andrew Ashcroft BA (Hons) M.A. EMS MRTPI was appointed by Pendle Council to carry out the examination of the Colne Neighbourhood Plan.

The Examination of the Colne Neighbourhood Plan concluded with the publication of the Examiners Report on 2 May 2023. The report found that, subject to modifications, the Colne Neighbourhood Plan had met the basic conditions and could proceed to referendum.

At a meeting of the Council’s Executive on 25 May 2023, it was resolved that subject to the modifications set out in the Examiner’s Report the Colne Neighbourhood Plan should proceed to referendum.

Documents to download


The Colne Neighbourhood Plan is supported by the following additional documents:

Referendum Documents

Submission Documents 

Other Documents to Download