Assets of Community Value

Assets of Community Value Register

An asset of community value is a building which a community group has asked the Council to list as being of value to that community.

This is a new legal right, designed to give communities the opportunity to control the assets and facilities that matter to them.

If an asset is listed, and comes up for sale, community groups could be given a total of six months to put together a bid to buy it.

Can anyone nominate an asset?

No. Parish councils, community organisations or neighbourhood forums can nominate both privately and publicly owned assets which they feel offer community value.

Contact if you want to check that your community group is able to nominate a building.

What happens once an asset is listed?

Once a building is listed as an asset of community value, the owner cannot just dispose of it. They need to:

  • Tell us that they intend to sell it
  • Wait until the end of a six week period to see if a community group wants to be considered as a bidder
  • Wait until the end of a six month period if a community group does want to be considered as a bidder

Download full guidance on Assets of Community Value, including a nomination form.

Assets of Community Value Register

Local councils are required to keep two lists: