Council Tax Support
You might be able to get help paying your council tax if you have a low income and your savings are £16,000 or less. Some types of income do not count, so it is worth applying even if you think you do not qualify.
You can check if you qualify for any support using the GOV.UK benefits calculator.
Send us your evidence
When you have submitted your application, use our evidence upload form to provide evidence to support your claim. For example, proof of eomplyment, student certificate or evidence for a disabled band reduction.
When you complete a claim form you will need to give us:
- proof of your identity
- proof of income and savings
- details of anyone else who lives with you
Second Adult Rebate
You might also get Second Adult Rebate, if you share your home with someone who:
- is aged 18 or over
- is not paying you rent
- is not paying council tax themselves
You do not have to be getting Council Tax Support to qualify for Second Adult Rebate. Second Adult Rebate is not affected by your income and savings - it is based on the other person’s savings.
Changes in circumstances
You must tell us if your circumstances change.
For example if:
- any of your children leave school or leave home
- anyone moves into or out of your home
- your income, or the income of anyone living with you changes
- your capital or savings change
- your rent changes
- you move
- you or your civil partner are going to be away from home for more than four weeks
Benefits Calculators
You can use these calculators to work out if you might be entitled to any benefits. You must remember that these only provide an estimate, and are not a guarantee.
Gov.Uk benefits calculators