Local plan

Replacement Pendle Local Plan

The Replacement Pendle Local Plan (2001 to 2016) was adopted by the Council on 18 May 2006.

It is the second Local Plan for Pendle, replacing the earlier Pendle Local Plan (1991 to 2001), which was adopted in January 1999.

View the Inspector's Report for the Replacement Pendle Local Plan (2001 to 2016) which contains the changes we had to include in the final version of the Plan.

Written Statement 

View the planning policies in the Replacement Pendle Local Plan (2001 to 2016)

Interactive Proposals Map

The Interactive Proposals Map also includes the adopted policies from the Bradley Area Action Plan and the Core Strategy.

Saved Policies

On the 21 April 2009 the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (CLG) issued a direction under paragraph 1(3) of Schedule 8 to the Planning and Compulsory Act 2004.

This direction confirmed that all the policies in the Replacement Pendle Local Plan (2001 to 2016) are saved until such a time that they are replaced by policies in Development Plan Documents (DPDs) as part of the new Local Plan.

Not all the policies in the Replacement Pendle Local Plan continue to apply, due to the adoption of the following documents:

  • The Bradley Area Action Plan (adopted 30 June 2011) sets out a number of new planning policies for the Bradley Priority Area in Nelson
  • The Pendle Core Strategy (adopted 17 December 2015) replaces some of the strategic planning policies in the Replacement Pendle Local Plan (2001-2016)  

Appendix C of the Core Strategy provides a list of the policies in the Replacement Pendle Local Plan, which are still in use.