Mayor of Pendle has been busy in the local community

Published Tuesday, 29th August 2023

The Mayor of Pendle has been busy in the local community since his Mayoral Year started in May.

Mayor Brian Newman stood with works of art in a botanical garden


During the last four months, Councillor Brian Newman has been visiting and talking to those involved in numerous initiatives throughout the borough.

In May, he opened the new Team Rise building in Brierfield, which helps adults with learning disabilities and autism.

Attendees are supported in a safe and caring environment where they learn, develop new skills and make new friends.

Supporting people with autism is a cause close to The Mayor’s heart. Inspired by his daughter, Karen Newman, who works with autistic adults, he and The Mayoress selected The Autistic Society as one of their chosen charities for their Mayoral Year.

In June, he was honoured to participate in the Armed Forces Day, raising a flag opposite Colne Town Hall.

For the official duty, he was joined by the Vice Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire, Mrs Christine Kirk DL, local veterans and Pendle Council representatives.

The Mayor has shown his support for the excellent work done by The Good Life Project and Arts for Wellbeing, both run by Pendle Leisure Trust. 

The two projects came together to produce an Art in the Natural World Exhibition. With his agricultural background, The Mayor was very knowledgeable and interested in the produce grown.

Lauren Jackson, Arts for Wellbeing Co-ordinator, commented, “We really appreciated the time The Mayor took to look around, talk to us and hear more about our work.”

This month, The Mayor officially opened the new Dementia-Friendly Garden, which took place alongside a BBQ and Fun Day at Favordale Home for Older People in Colne.

The Mayor said: “This is just a taster of some of the activities I have taken part in. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting out and about meeting local people and hearing about the amazing work they do.

“I am proud to highlight organisations who are doing a fantastic job for Pendle.”