Agendas, reports and minutes
Accounts and Audit Committee
Date: Wednesday, 27th January 2016
- 27th January 2016 Agendas, 115.1 KB
- 27th January 2016 Minutes, 235.02 KB
- Item 2 - Minutes of the last meeting Reports, 233.69 KB
- Item 3 - External Audit - General update Reports, 366.74 KB
- Item 4 - External Audit - Housing Benefits Subsidy Claim Certification Reports, 65.6 KB
- Item 6 - Internal Audit - Benchmarking Reports, 149.28 KB
- Item 7 - Internal Audit Plan 2015/16 - Progress Report Reports, 172.07 KB
- Item 8 - Implementation of Internal Audit Recommendations Reports, 246.08 KB
- Item 9 - Managing the Risk of Fraud, Theft and Corruption - Quarterly Report (to December, 2015) Reports, 142.81 KB
- Item 9 - Appendix A Reports, 14.86 KB
- Item 9 - Appendix B Reports, 19.17 KB
- Item 10 - Treasury Management - Quarterly Report (to December 2015) Reports, 134.18 KB
- Item 10 - Appendices A-B Reports, 36.69 KB