Member of Parliament (MP)

Jonathan Hinder Labour MP for Pendle and Clitheroe

Jonathan lives in Clitheroe, and was elected to represent Clitheroe and Pendle in Parliament on 5 July 2024. 


Find out what Jonathan Hinder does for you

Jonathan Hinder They Work For You (They Work for You is a volunteer-run website which aims to make it easy for people to find information on their representatives in Parliament.)

Oliver Ryan Labour MP for Burnley

Oliver lives in Burnley and was elected to represent Pendle residents in the Brierfield East and Clover Hill ward and Brierfield West and Reedley ward on 5 July 2024.


Find out what Oliver Ryan does for you

Oliver Ryan They Work For You (They Work for You is a volunteer-run website which aims to make it easy for people to find information on their representatives in Parliament.)