Tree Preservation Orders

As the Local Planning Authority (LPA), we can protect trees and woodlands using Tree Preservation Orders (TPO).

What does a Tree Preservation Order prevent?

A TPO prevents the:

  • cutting down
  • topping
  • lopping
  • uprooting
  • wilful damage
  • wilful destruction

of trees without our consent. Every part of the tree is protected, including the roots.

How does a Tree Preservation Order work?

A TPO can protect any type of tree that has amenity or ecological value to the local area. Amenity value means the things that influence and enhance your appreciation of an area. A TPO can be applied to a single tree, a group of trees, an area or a woodland. We can make a TPO for a variety of reasons, including:

  • detrimental work to, or felling of, a tree in a Conservation Area
  • a planning application that might affect important trees
  • to prevent bad arboricultural work to a tree that has amenity value
  • a request from residents concerned that a tree is under threat

Assessing a Tree Preservation Order

Before a TPO is made, we will assess the trees or woodland to see if they are worthy of a TPO. The assessment includes:

  • visibility to the general public
  • the contribution of the tree to the local landscape
  • the overall health and appearance of the trees
  • the suitability of their location
  • any special defining characteristics (for example are they a rare species, of historical significance, or veteran trees)

Find out if a tree has a Tree Preservation Order

All our TPOs are available online, and you can look at the location of TPOs on our interactive map. The map shows the extent of trees covered by a TPO. Although the map is based on the official register, it is for information purposes only, and is not a legal document.

The interactive TPO Map is undergoing maintenance and is not fully up-to-date at this time.