Countryside access

Your rights and responsibilities on public rights of way

You can:

  • pass and re-pass on a public right of way
  • stop to look at the view, take a photograph, sit down to rest
  • take a pram, pushchair or wheelchair -  but expect to encounter stiles on footpaths
  • take a dog, as long as it is kept it on the line of footpath. If sheep are present, the dog must be kept on a lead or otherwise under close control
  • remove overhanging branches or an illegal obstruction sufficiently to get past

You can not:

  • roam over land at will or deviate from the line of the right of way, except to pass an obstruction

Your rights:

  • Lack of use has no effect on the legal existence of a right of way
  • You must leave land to which you have no legal right of access if asked to do so by the owner or his representative
  • A newly created footpath should be wide enough for two walkers to pass in comfort
  • A bridleway should allow two horses to pass each other comfortably
  • Cyclists and horseriders must not use footpaths unless given permission by the landowner
  • Cyclists must give way to horseriders and walkers on bridleways
  • When walking or riding in groups, please travel in single file where necessary and do not spread out beyond the width of the path
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