Hackney carriage and private hire driver's licence
National Register of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver Revocations (NR3)
The Government have introduced a national register of hackney carriage and private hire driver cancellations and refusals (called NR3). All applicants will have their details checked on the NR3 Register. This is to check if you have previously had a licence either refused or revoked by another local authority. If your application to us is refused or revoked, we will add your details to the NR3 register.
Read our National Register of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver Revocations and refusals Policy (NR3)
How to get a hackney carriage or private hire drivers' licence
To have a hackney carriage or private hire drivers' licence, we have to be satisfied that you are a fit and proper person.
Read the notes below on how to apply for your knowledge test, which you must do before making an application. If you require more information email taxi.licensing@pendle.gov.uk
- Notes to read before making an application
- Driver's application form
- Medical form
- Guidelines for applications with convictions
- Knowledge test revision guide
- Private hire driver's licence conditions
- Hackney carriage bye-laws
- National Register of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver Revocations and refusals Policy (NR3)
- Make a knowledge test payment and apply for your knowledge test
- Back to the Taxis home page
Taxi licensing
Taxi Licensing Team,
Number One Market Street,