Landlords - fire and carbon monoxide
As a landlord, you have to ensure that the risk of fire in rented property is minimised.
It's a good idea to carry out an annual safety check, even if it's not required to meet regulations. It provides you with an opportunity to inspect your premises. If you record a safety check either when a tenancy changes, or once every year, this is enough evidence that you have taken appropriate measures. It is a legal requirement under the fire safety order to periodically review the fire risk assessment.
Smoke alarms
- All properties must have a smoke alarm fitted on every level of the property
There is no compulsory requirement to provide fire extinguishers or fire blankets in single occupation properties, but it is a good idea - at least in the kitchen area.
If you do provide fire extinguishers, you must arrange for regular servicing - usually every 12 months.
If there is a complaint or incident, you will need to show evidence that you took all reasonable steps to avoid committing an offence.
Carbon monoxide
You have to provide a carbon monoxide (CO) alarm in any room that has a solid fuel burning appliance in it. For tenancies that started after 1 October 2015, you have to check that the alarms are in working order on the day that the tenancy starts.
These duties were introduced by the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (England) Regulations 2015, and we have to make sure that landlords comply.
If we think you are not complying, we can serve a notice on you, and give you a penalty charge if you still do not comply. We publish a statement of principles that we use to help decide the amount of a penalty charge.