Anti-social behaviour
Anti social behaviour - our standards
When you make a complaint
We will:
- make it as easy as possible for you to make your complaint
- take every complaint seriously; listen to what you say and make notes for future use
- ask you about your support and protection needs
- let you know how your complaint will be dealt with
- let you know who will be dealing with your complaint (we will use the term "case manager" here), which organisation is leading an investigation into it and how to contact them
- arrange for you to have a more detailed meeting with your case manager within a reasonable period (this may be within 24 hours for the most difficult cases and should be no more than 5 days in any case, unless you request it)
- use a multi agency problem solving approach for complex and persistent cases
If you are a victim
We will:
- arrange to meet with you at a place where you will feel most comfortable and able to talk
- assess your support and protection needs during the first formal meeting with you
- discuss with you whether to involve Pendle's Victim Champion or a Victim Support trained officer from another support agency of your choice
- discuss with you how often you want the case manager to contact you while the case is being investigated
- keep in touch in a way that best suits you: telephone, email, visit, letter or through a third party
- let you know if there is an emergency out of hours number to contact
- discuss with you possible security measures for your home
Our aims
Are to:
- protect your safety, security and confidentiality
- build your confidence in our ability to manage anti-social behaviour
- encourage you to report anti-social behaviour and give evidence to help us deal with it as quickly as possible with the least impact on you and your community
Our service standards
Are to:
- respond to all first enquiries within one working day (except where landlords have negotiated a local standard with their tenants)
- respond to messages within one working day
- remove offensive, abusive, racist or other hate-motivated graffiti reported to us by the next working day
- remove all other graffiti reported to us within one working week
- take action on abandoned vehicles, rubbish, litter and dog fouling reported to us by the next working day, and fly-tipping within one working week
We recognise that needs vary depending on whether you are making a complaint, you are a victim of anti-social behaviour or you are acting as a witness in an anti social behaviour case.
Someone making a complaint could be a victim or a witness and may just want to alert us to anti-social behaviour without getting directly involved.
A victim will have experienced anti-social behaviour and we appreciate there may be an immediate need for support and protection.
A witness may also be a victim and will need support as the case is investigated and if it needs to go to court.
Safer Lancashire
We work to tackle anti social behaviour across Lancashire, as part of the Safer Lancashire partnership
Safer Lancashire