Accessible Nelson

We are working with Lancashire County Council to make Nelson more accessible to pedestrians, cyclists and all traffic. Accessible Nelson will improve traffic flow into and through Nelson. It will create quality environments at key gateway routes and introduce better walking and cycling opportunities for sustainable transport. The project will refresh and renew Nelson Town Centre to improve the experience of town centre users. Accessible Nelson will make Nelson more pedestrian and cycle friendly and improve traffic flow so that it's greener and more attractive for everyone. 

Accessible Nelson is one of seven projects that the Nelson Town Deal board is overseeing as part of a ten-year plan for Nelson. The Nelson Town Deal Board members include: 

  • local businesses 
  • community and voluntary sector organisations 
  • the MP 
  • the Youth Council 
  • public sector organisations such as Pendle Borough Council, Nelson Town Council, Lancashire County Council and the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).  

Accessible Nelson’s aims 

  • Enhance Nelson’s town by reducing traffic congestion and unnecessary car journeys.  
  • Create a better sense of arrival.  
  • Improve the health and safety and well-being of pedestrians and cyclists.  
  • Improve traffic flow around Nelson for all road users. 
  • Create gateways into Nelson and improve public spaces.  
  • Create better safer pedestrian and cycling links.  
  • Create safer and usable public spaces.  
  • Improve interchange and link into other programmes  
  • Improve the public perception of Nelson.  

Previous engagement  

In March 2022 we asked for comments on Accessible Nelson. Some of the key feedback included: 

  • Positive feedback on reducing the speed limit to encourage cycling. 
  • Plans for tree planting and green spaces well received. 
  • Agree to remove barriers for better movement of people through the town centre. 
  • Some doubt about replacing traffic lights with roundabouts at the junctions to improve traffic flow. 
  • Parking is important and Nelson needs more. 
  • Request for more pleasant seating areas, with flowers and trees, and open areas and cafes. 

Draft masterplan proposals 

Download our draft masterplan to improve public space in Nelson for everyone. The improvements will focus on the following areas: 

  • Detail Area 1: Scotland Road and Liverpool and Leeds Canal gateway 
  • Detail Area 2: Scotland Road  
  • Detail Area 3: New Scotland Road  
  • Detail Area 4: Leeds Road / New Scotland Road junction  
  • Detail Area 5: Sagar Street / Holme Street junction  
  • Detail Area 6: Railway Street / Broadway  
  • Detail Area 6: Netherfield Road / Railway Street junction  
  • Detail Area 7: Manchester Road Junction 


Accessible Nelson funding is from Lancashire County Council and Pendle Borough Council as part of the Nelson Towns Fund bid to:  

  • Improve traffic flow and multi modal interchange facilities. (Places where people can swap types of transport. For example, getting off the train at the station and hiring a scooter or bicycle.)
  • Create a quality environment (including at key gateway routes).  
  • Improved and safer walking and cycling environment.

Lancashire County Council are proposing an active travel route (25b) which runs from Stanley Street Junction to Reedyford Interchange via Sagar Street. This section of the project would be part of Lancashire County Council’s Government funded East Lancashire scheme. Other East Lancashire projects for Nelson that link with Accessible Nelson include:   

  • Detail areas of the Accessible Nelson scheme 1 - 3 (Scotland Road/New Scotland Road).
  • Active Travel routes (Manchester Road). Routes specifically for cycling and pedestrians (not for cars). 
  • Mobility Hubs. These are being developed by Lancashire County Council. They will be spaces specifically for cyclists, pedestrians, and public transport users.  
  • Lancashire County Council were also successful with a bid for the Active Travel Fund for Detail area 5 of the Accessible Nelson scheme. Active Travel covers any travelling not using a car.  

Masterplan comments closed

Have your say on the draft masterplan for Accessible Nelson has closed.

Thank you to everyone who provided comments on the draft masterplan. Your views will be used to guide our proposals and secure funding.

All feedback received will be reviewed and will help us make recommendations and further finalise the masterplan.

If you have any questions on Accessible Nelson, contact