Holiday activities and food programme

Is your child aged 4 to 16?

Do they get benefits-related free school meals?

If so, they may be eligible for free activities and food during the school holidays through the Fun Vibes, Active Lives scheme.

What is the holiday activities and food programme (HAF)?

Throughout the school holidays, there is a range of free activities such as:

  • multi-sports
  • creative activities
  • days out
  • drama workshops
  • digital learning

There's so much choice to keep children and young people occupied and active during the school holidays - and they'll get a free healthy meal too! 

How do I sign up?

To book a HAF place this winter you will need a HAF e-voucher.

If your child is eligible for a free place you will receive the voucher code, issued by your school, via email or text from hello@holidays, in early December. 

If your child is eligible for a funded HAF place you will receive an e-voucher by text or email.

The e-voucher will have a link to the booking system where you can choose a club and book places for your child using your HAF code. 

Bookings for Winter will be open in December. 

See Fun Vibes, Active Lives for more information.

HAF providers

If you are interested in becoming a HAF provider and would like more information see HAF providers.