

Details of our Executive members and their responsibilities

Executive Forward Plan

This will set out the key decisions for the Executive.

Licensing Committee

This deals with all Licensing matters.

Accounts and Audit Committee

Information on membership and responsibilities

Taxi Licensing Committee

Oversees all functions relating to taxi licensing.

Overview and Scrutiny Committee 

Committee membership and responsibilities

Development Management Committee

Committee membership and responsibilities

Area Committees

Membership of the Barrowford and Western Parishes, Colne and District, Nelson, Brierfield and Reedley, and West Craven Area Committees

Political composition

The political make up of the Council

Committee timetable

Dates for all our committee meetings

Agendas, reports and minutes

Papers for all our committee meetings

Ask a question at a meeting

How to speak at a committee meeting


How to make a petition and what happens when you do