Budgets and Spending

Statement of Accounts

  • Understand our overall financial position
  • Have confidence that public money has been used and accounted for appropriately
  • Be reassured that our financial position is sound and secure

Financial Strategy

Our Financial Strategy provides the framework for financial planning. It's aim is to make sure we balance our budget over the medium term planning period whilst ensuring resources are applied in an effective, efficient and economical way to achieve our Strategic Plan

Annual Governance Statement

Our Annual Governance Statement identifies key requirements, governance principles and management processes for the organisation

Governance and Risk Management

We have a moral and statutory duty to take all reasonable actions to safeguard our employees, assets and the public and make sure that we are not financially or operationally disrupted. 

How much do we spend?

We publish details of all spending made to our suppliers.

Our budget process

Find out how our budget process works throughout the year.

Treasury Management

This is how we look after the management of our debts, investments, cashflow and banking arrangements. 

Annual Audit

Each year, as part of the Local Audit Framework, an Annual Audit Letter is produced.

Our insurance provider

Information on who provides us with our insurance

Fraud, corruption and whistleblowing

We have policies and practices to help us tackle any type of fraud, theft of our property and acts of dishonesty.