Listed buildings

Carrying out work on a listed building

Application for Listed Building Consent for alterations, extension or demolition of a Listed Building

Application for planning permission and Listed Building consent for alterations, extension or demolition of a Listed Building

Sometimes listed buildings may be able to have some degree of sensitive alteration or extension. In order to keep the special character of the building, both internal and external alterations (including partial demolition) will need to be assessed in an application for Listed Building Consent. In some circumstances both planning permission and Listed Building Consent need to be obtained for the same work.

Repairs using like for like materials will not normally require listed building consent but we recommend you contact the conservation team before starting work.

When carrying out repairs or alterations it is best to use a professionally qualified person with experience of listed buildings to act on your behalf and supervise the work.

In addition to the main listed building, any object or structure which is fixed to the building, or in the curtilage of the building and forms part of the land and has done so since July 1948, is treated as part of the listing. As a result Listed Building Consent will also be required for most alterations or demolition affecting these.

It is always advisable to obtain the advice of the Conservation Officer as to what works require Listed Building Consent, as the carrying out of unauthorised works to a listed building is a criminal offence.

The Conservation Team are happy to advise on any matters concerning listed buildings.

How should I look after my Listed Building?


Listed buildings are important assets and need to be regularly maintained to ensure their upkeep. Maintenance is often very simple but can be vital in keeping larger and more expensive work reduced as far as is possible.

To regularly maintain your listed building, you should:

  • Check gutters and rainwater pipes for blockages and leaks, particularly making sure that leaves are cleared in the autumn
  • Check for loose or missing roof slates
  • Check mortar joints and render for cracks or signs of decay
  • Avoid any build up of earth at the base of walls and the control or removal of vegetation to avoid problems of damp
  • Remove bird droppings as they contain damaging salts. Where there are large deposits they should be removed by a specialist firm for health and safety reasons
  • Check to ensure that any ventilation grilles or air bricks are clear. (Lack of ventilation could cause fungal decay).
  • Repaint external woodwork and replace loose putty on historic window frames

Further advice relating to maintenance is available from the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings.


Some repairs will always be necessary and unavoidable as some elements of the fabric of traditional buildings will naturally reach the end of their life.

Repairs using like for like materials are advised as these are most likely to be appropriate for the listed building. Where unsuitable materials have been used in the past and they have become defective it should be seen as an opportunity to use more appropriate materials.

When doing repairs the retention of as much original fabric as possible is vital. Original details, such as finely moulded timber window frames or stone carving, represent the 'authentic touch of the craftsmen' from years gone by, and cannot easily be reproduced.

Repair works should be kept to the minimum required to stabilise and conserve buildings, to ensure their long term survival.