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Pendle Leisure Trust urges customers to back parliamentary petition

Published: Monday, 1st February 2021



Pendle Leisure Trust is urging its members and customers to back a parliamentary petition for gyms to reopen first after this current lockdown.

The Trust’s Chief Executive, Alison Goode, said: "It’s vital that leisure is not overlooked again as we come out of this current lockdown. Physical activity is the key to the nation’s recovery from COVID and we have to make the Government realise this. That’s why we are calling on all our customers to sign this parliamentary petition.

"Although we’ve supported our customers throughout the lockdowns with our online classes and activities, we know they are itching to get back into the pool or gym - and we want to be there for them at the soonest opportunity.”

The petition has so far received over 35,500 signatures and it will be considered for a debate in Parliament if it reaches 100,000.

It is live on the Government’s website and can be signed here:

A representative from the Leisure Industry added: "It's been hugely heartening to see the response to this petition so far and fantastic to see Leisure Trusts throwing their weight behind it to help drive the momentum.

"We must ensure that we push this over the 100k threshold, so the Government can see the passion our members have for their gyms – it's vital we are well represented!

“Discussions are already underway within Government about reopening plans, with Boris Johnson due to report on this to Parliament at the end of this month, so there is not a moment to lose in pushing forward with this petition if we are to land it at a time when it can make a difference.

"Last year, we lacked influence, were left behind on reopening and saw pubs opening before gyms, which was a catastrophe.

“We must do everything we can to ensure we don't find ourselves in the same position again. It's vital we are pro-active as an industry and represent while there is still time to make a difference.”