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Countdown to join garden waste scheme

Published: Wednesday, 7th June 2017

A news story about our garden waste subscription scheme

Higherford resident Julia South with garden waste collectors

A newly liveried refuse collection vehicle promoting garden waste will soon be a familiar sight around Pendle as the Council keeps up with demand for its popular green bin scheme.

“We have a passion for gardening and recycling in Pendle with over 8,000 gardeners on our garden waste collection rounds,” explained Waste and Recycling Co-ordinator, Carole Taylor.

Last year Pendle Council collected almost 3,000 tonnes of garden waste which was recycled into compost and aims to collect even more this year.

“Now is the time for people on the scheme to renew to continue to enjoy the benefits of the service,” said Carole.

“We’re counting down as gardeners have until Friday 16 June to renew their subscriptions to the scheme and get the full 12 months of the service. 

Pendle Council is already over half way to meeting its target and is still busy processing requests.

Higherford resident Julia South is a keen gardener and has renewed for the scheme:

"The scheme is brilliant for me and really convenient. I always renew online as soon as I get my letter, so I don't forget!

"Without it I'd have to put my garden waste in my car and take it to the household waste site for recycling," she said.

“The newly liveried vehicle will be one of three vehicles which will play a big part in promoting the service we offer as we push to increase the participation levels of the scheme,” said Carole.

“We’re hoping that a few hundred more gardeners living in the areas covered by our rounds will join the scheme.

“The service costs less than 60p a week and sometimes people share a bin with a neighbour to halve the cost,” said Carole.

People can renew online on Pendle Council’s website by 
quoting the garden waste reference number in their reminder letter or by putting in their address to find it.

And people who’d like to see if they can join the scheme can fill in an online form to find out if the Council can add their address to their garden waste rounds.

Subscribers can also pay using Pendle Council’s automated telephone payment system by calling 01282 661743 and pressing 1 to pay, using a credit or debit card.