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Housing Advice

In most all cases, armed forces and ex-services personnel have the same options as the general public.

Finding a home

You can apply for a housing association property via the B-with-us housing association website. Houses are available across the East Lancashire area. 

Applicants who have left the armed forces within the past 5 years will be given additional preference over applicants in the same B-with-us banding.

There are a also few other housing associations not covered by the B-with-us scheme that you can apply to. 

Private rented accommodation

Tenancies offered by private landlords are usually 6 month ‘Assured Shorthold’ tenancies. These are less secure than the assured tenancies offered by housing associations.

Properties must meet particular standards. If not, you can ask the Council to intervene to make sure the property does meet this standard.

If you can't afford rent, you might be able to claim Local Housing Allowance (LHA) from Pendle Council. This is paid depending on the size of property you need. 

If the LHA rate doesn’t cover the rent, you have to find the extra rent yourself. This can restrict the type of property you look for.

Pendle Council has a Bond Guarantee Scheme, which could help you access the private rented sector by helping you with your bond. Some charitable organisations such as credit unions may also be able to help with bonds. The benefits system – ‘Budgetting loans’ may also be able to help with ‘rent in advance’ in some circumstances.

Supported accommodation

This type of accommodation is usually for specific groups e.g. single people under 25 or those who have a diagnosed mental illness or learning disability.

It's usually managed by charities and housing associations and licences or assured shorthold tenancies are offered. It's also usually available only for a short term i.e. up to 2 years. You would then be expected to move on to general needs housing.


If you are, or you think you might be about to become homeless, you need to contact Pendle Council's Housing Needs section for help.